Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This, that and everything.

On Friday I have my first prenatal appointment and I'm going to make sure I get all the necessary blood tests because I think I must be iron deficient like my friend Jess mentioned, either that or I'm carrying twins! No. I shouldn't even say that. I don't want to jinx myself. I can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat though. That's the best part, other than seeing the little one on the ultrasound. Scott and I have decided that since this is our last baby we don't want to know the sex. We want it to be a surprise. Scott is convinced it's a boy and I keep having dreams about it being a girl! So we'll see. Although in truth I hope it is a boy. Edie will forever remain the princess, and then I wont have to deal with two pmsing, teenagers when they are older...I remember what our house was like...my step mom, my two stepsisters and me. It was like world war 3, and we all seemed to get our periods at the same time. It was nuts.

On the Gabe front he has figured out how to open all the doors in our house, so in order to keep him safe we have put a door knob safety cover on the inside of his door. This way he wont get up in the middle of the night and fall down the stairs. (His room is on the second floor which happens to be surrounded by two flights of stairs, one leading up and one leading down). It's also safer if there's a fire to keep bedrooms doors closed at night, and ultimately safer for my sanity and all lives involved if I don't have to keep putting him to bed 20 times a night. All in all, it's a major safety concern for him to be able to open the doors. Luckily there was an easy enough solution.

Too bad all things couldn't be that easy with kids, but being a mom dictates creative thinking, endless patience, and undivided attention 24/7! That's why mother's Day is a special day. Scott's mom wants us all to go to Pender Harbour (where she lives) for Mother's Day so we can see her new house and hang out. I have decided that we aren't going to oblige her. For one it's my first Mother's Day with Edie and I want it to be just us. For another, I don't want to go is because I'm pregnant. I'm not feeling great, I'm constantly tired, and to travel that long with kids is like running a 100 mile marathon. It's just too much effort. Not to mention Scott's brother and his wife are going to be going and they have been trying for over a year to get pregnant with their second child. They really don't need to be reminded on Mother's Day of all day's that they can't seem to have any more babies; while every Tom, Dick and Harry around them seem to get pregnant at the drop of a hat, or in our case the drop of a puck!

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